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thanks! haha I had a really good time watching you guys :D

Happy you enjoyed the video

Thats sounds nice, thanks for the answer!

Nice game!.

Any chance to put the game fullscreen?.Thanks!

(3 edits)

Hey, thanks for the comment!

Sorry, there's no fullscreen option because I encountered some issues when switching back from fullscreen to windowed mode :S. I had a time limitation to finish this project, so I didn't invest much time in this issue.

 I'm planning to use this game as a prototype, incorporating all the feedback I'm receiving. The idea is to create a new version with more stages, an actual story, enemies, traps, etc, and additional options (screen modes, difficulty levels, save game feature, etc).

Have a nice one.

Nice Castlevania-like game it plays just like the classic ones, it looks great and it has a nice soundtrack, the slide and air dash are so much fun to use, specially the air dash.

After I finished recording I went back and finished the game after finding how stage select worked, the boss battle was great good job on that too.

I feel some introduction scrolling text with the story would have been a nice touch and would make playing more fun since we'll know what our mission is.

Now, even if it plays just like old times Castlevania games, the controls could use some improvement, jumping and dashing is kinda hard on the fingers as well as switching sub-weapon, I am sure it's much better with a Controller but I feel there are better Keyboard layouts for it, as well as having the controls in game and not only in the page, that aside it is a solid experience.

Keep up the good work!

(2 edits) (+1)

Thank you for the review! 

I really appreciate your feedback. I'm glad you enjoyed playing the game. Your point about adding introductory scrolling text with the story is something that had been bouncing around in my head,but I had a time limitation with this project so that was scrapped; it's something I'll definitely consider for the 'Deluxe' version.

I'm sure I will add improvements to the keyboard layout and make controls more accessible in-game in the future. While the game is optimized for controllers, I'll work on enhancing the keyboard experience for players.

Thanks again for your insights, and I'll keep working to make the game even better. Your support means a lot!